I'm making an MLG map atm, what is the difference between MLG CTF 3 and MLG CTF 5 gametypes?
Download the V2, the beggining is entirely uncampable now. Humans have a limited amount of time to get out of the builduing or a teleporter will...
HEY LOOK GUYS A GOOD MAP LET'S NOT COMMENT ON IT. Seriously though, Multi has been working on this map for the longest time and it's been beaten...
Dragons :D Can't wait for this anymore, this game is going to be sweet.
I've never done a video for a puzzle map, so I'm not too sure how I could do it/how it will turn out.
It's been a while... :p YouTube - Reach Forge Tutorials Ep 5: Ladders
Out of curiosity, what do you need help with?
3:40 'Countdown' extra. lol This video is a reminder why I can't stand default infection, nice vid though.
Yes I have a cap card, if you want a video though it'll have to wait for a little bit because I have some personal projects and Godly asked me if...
I hope it's in DLC expansion form, I don't intend on buying a game disc and have that one collect dust after 2 months (I'm looking at you ODST...)
Does anyone else besides me think that there should not be any starting AAs or just get rid of AAs completely? Anywho, I really enjoy the new...
Thank you. I might give it a try myself later.
Don't think it would work too well for my avvy, could you get a santa hat on the spartan in my sig?
I've played 1 game of it so far and I must say that it is much better than arena. Hopefully bungie can fix the gametype settings soon, the jetpack...
Act 3 deleted itself off my hardrive, because I'm doing a lot of other things right now I think I'll restart it during the winter holidays when I...
Yes there is, it's at the top of the first post so you know. Here ya go.
Did you change the map at all Killmore? I remember telling you that you should have elbow ramps or something leading up to the second floor from...
Yes I have read that article already. I still hate getting 80's though :/
Hey, I updated the Streets so that it is now unbreakable and you can't skip the building/camp in it anymore. I don't really care if you add that...
Super happy face :D I'm gonna make the beginning uncampable/unbreakable tonight... this has been sealed in blood. In regards to the...