I use lots of distortion filters and different layer styles. Also hue/saturation adjustments help with gettin colors to match. As you can see in...
The front of the car is a tad pixely also... I would suggest cropping the left side to just in front of the car and some on top and bottom......
Frag and Terrax are a team too...
Hmmmm.... Not terrible but has absolutely no flow. The C4d in the back goes all over the place and doesn't make sense. The smudging is good for...
Kk.... I'll PM u my AIM. It's Lord Terrax XII if anyone else wants it =/
Mmmm.... I think I may need new boxers.
Lens Flare!!!!!! Umm.... This is awkward... I like smudge, Photo Filters, Gradient Maps, Hue and Saturation, Brightness and Contrast, Pen...
There is a little bit of B and W on the bench to the left of him (Back corner of it) and it makes the bench look 2d. A quick touch of color should...
I'll be with Frag Man if he wants...
Hmmm.... Tiz quite epic. I prefer V2 due to the higher contrast. Great blending.
No... Says the screen shot cant be found. Try again. Use Imageshack/Photobucket/Tinypic.
Haha... V3 actually. Thanks and the only reason there's so many is because I wanted it to be symetrical. I toned down the spare clips and upped...
Okay so I made the map Diminish for a contest and I only used red/blue columns and double blocks. I decided to continue this map using other items...
Okay so I was just messing around and making fire effects and this came out.. I liked it a lot so here it is. Oh and it did look like fire when...
Thanks for the advice... I almost didn't see it since this thread was getting buried. I can't wait for other people to post their maps. Also is...
I've been a fan of the floating stairs that I started using on my sandbox maps also... Idk if they could work for a building under construction...
Isn't this advertising? It isn't even a complete site. There is pretty much nothing there...
I'm not sure if this is a sign up thread or not but w/e. I'll be on at 3pm EST tomorrow. If you can do it then just send me a message over XBL....
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-maps/18644-embed-screenshots-your-map-thread.html Here you go... Read it, Learn it, Live it.
Great looking map... Yet it appears that the backstory would go more with a infection gametype due to the yeti's (Zombie's) and humans reference.