Agreed, I find the cartoon to be pretty funny. However, in the world of science, there is no explanation as to how the Universe was created....
I consider myself a Christian, but I don't consider myself religious. Religions are set up by man, thus I don't care to follow the extra rules set...
8300 Dl's from JUST having it in your fileshare? I find that extraordinarily hard to believe.
What site did you post this on previously? Out of curiosity.
This is a possibility considering how much of a boost our economy needs right now and there's nothing like a boost that comes from starting a war.
Oh, I totally agree with you, what I was saying is that anyone who demonstrates faith in the scientific field will be shunned and frowned upon. It...
Ummm. Your canvas map is listed as Anchor 9... Also, a weapon list might be helpful. I'll download but I won't be facebooking
You can download all of the Marathon games made by bungie and also a bunch of user created versions of their Durandal engine.
No truer thing has ever been said. I have been to 45 of the 50 states in the U.S. I have visited 6 different countries and am returning to France...
A reason why it seems that more 'Scientists' are non-religious is because anyone who demonstrates an inkling of faith or even religion for that...
You should capitalize the title of the map and give it a proper description. A map of this caliber deserves it.
I can't find the download link. Maybe I'm blind. I could just search your GT on the but I don't feel like it right
I am loving the look of the layout of this map, however before playing it I am already able to see an area of concern: the center, though well...
YES! Finally a remake of this map.
Hmmmm. Yeah, I thought that 4 precision weapons (DMR's) (Needle Rifle's) was good because the map isn't that big. The AR's though, that's a good...
Conditional Subterranean life is hazardous This map has been submitted to the Forgetacular contest because I do not have access to my xbox...
Thanks, I'm glad you think that. Waterworks has been and always will be (probably, I'm just saying that for dramatic my favorite...
Trans-Atlantic A 14 hour flight... This is a map I've had for a little while that I've just gotten around to posting. I wanted to try and...
The shields look better than the random sandbags because they look like they could catch skulls and also they can be shot to break them spilling...
The 1 life thing in a 'sneak and destroy' type of gametype would get old, especially if you get sniped or lasered in the hornet right off the get...