I agree completely. I would have rather seen an actual debate going on, or at least better questions asked. What's funny to me though, is that...
Well, I was working off of an idea Dented brought up when I mentioned the topic of thinking lustfully as a sin. I wasn't actually supporting it,...
I realize this is a double post, but it's been two days without a post, and I don't want to start a new topic for something that should go here....
Sounds good. I'll try to be there.
Secret Project? Is he talking about Heat Sink, or something new? Anyway, we might actually get to play in a match this week! We're playing...
Haha, awesome. I'm gonna have to do some internet research or something. All I know is what was in the debate, or youtube videos. But who told you...
Calm down, calm down... no one's preaching anything here, or trying to convert or force beliefs on anyone. We're just debating different sides of...
Well, maybe not impossible. There is such a thing as asexual people, meaning they have absolutely zero sexual attraction or feelings towards...
Calm down dude... I said "typical". Anyway, this is getting off-topic. Let's cut it out and get back to the point.
Good thinking. A debate forum is probably not the best place for a typical 15yr. old to be.
You're uh... joking with these posts right? You gotta be... otherwise you're in like the top 5% of stupidest people in this country. "Well...
See, that's just ridiculously too far IMO. Just having a sexual thought can get you in trouble? Making out can too? That's insane. We're born with...
Yeah, that was ridiculous, yomtvraps. You've made up your mind without listening to both sides, and you're talking about not thinking what someone...
9/11 is not to blame for these problems that face us today. It the Bush administration and their failed policies, and in a larger sense, the...
A new topic about sex and religion has been made here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/debates/38495-sex-organized-religion.html#post499710 Please...
Another topic here in the Debate forum got offtopic, but it was an interesting discussion so I am making a topic for it now. The discussion is...
I am absolutely amazed I managed to read my way through 19 pages of this crap. Nearly all the posts are either incredibly mis-informed, or...
Yes, Chilli was joking. It was taken from Colbert Report, and as you know, he makes all his jokes by pretending to be completely serious about a...
Haha, I'm not all that prepared either actually. I watched the VP debate, but that's about all I know of Palin and Biden. I just thought it would...
Care to weigh in? I'd like to see that thread get some intelligent debate going.