Lol! You're a bit behind aren't you? Don't you remember the talk about Bisquit being able to become a 0-post premium if he wanted to? Well I...
Holy crap Squid! I was just browsing the map section, looking for spammers to report and cool maps to download, and I saw this. It looks freaking...
Good question kind sir. Here is the answer.
It is my gamertag, so thank you. BuddhaCrane already told me that it is possible to break the map in a few different ways, but he told me that...
Lies! lol. How did you see this map before the Faceoff challenge began? I wasn't even done forging it then yet, and I wait to test until I'm done...
lol dummies.... Amalgam is the Round 8 map in the 2v2 Tournament. I couldn't post it until they released it on the front page. And now that it's...
Amalgam Inspired By: Exacted and Troika Definition: a·mal·gam [uh-mal-guhm] 1. an alloy of mercury with another metal (usually silver) used by...
Yeah, the video is bad for two reasons. 1 - It was a test game that was played before the spawns were finalized. 2 - it was a 3 on 3 match on a...
Brucie!!! That's how we roll baby! We're winners man, ****ing winners!! Yeah, Brucie is awesome. And so is Niko. Oh, and this guy here. [img]...
To Capybara: Well.. that was... interesting.. As for your points on the economy: It's already making a bit of a comeback. It's still in bad shape,...
Lol. You even sent me a visitors message with a link here so I would see this. What the heck? haha Well, if that's your contribution to the...
Hard to choose just one, but I would probably go with Prince of Persia. [img]
I myself consider things like that small crevice off of Narrows, and underneath of Narrows to be cheating. But small things like hiding inside of...
Hey Insane. Could you do me a favor? I've posted something in the Private Events Discussion, and I want to make sure the journalists and Staff see...
A portfolio is a post you make containing all the things you've made or done in Halo 3. Think of it like a job resume, or something to show to...
ee-niks? Who the heck says ee-niks? lol. No, definitely ah-niks. As for our previous encounter, I consider it past too. But if you may remember, I...
Cool, I'll activate your account in the morning. So how/when did Furious recommend you? Was that before he left FH? (Btw, he's still kinda around...
Yeah, the McCain campaign is getting desperate and wouldn't waste an opportunity to say something bad about Obama. So I agree with DTL that small...
Dom. You're such a dummyhead. BTW, where'd you get that gamerpic?
Excellent! I would so love to see some intelligent support for McCain and Palin. If at least just to know that they're not all idiots. lol Great!...