I just came back from seeing "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark." The writing and art direction was crazy good, but the execution was terrible. [spoiler]
As long as I'll still be able to attach a red dot sight to a m24 or a GOL, I'll be happy.
I can't tell whats more disappointing, the size of my ***** or a three muskateers bar. Point is, neither are satisfying.
Andoran: Prologue
Oh. My. God. You're right.
Chipsinabox doesn't sound menacing. It's not in the cards!
No no no, that's impossible.
Sharks with freakin laser beams attached to their freakin heads.
The absolute best.
Is he now? And is that a good or bad thing?
As time goes on I find myself more attracted to instrumental bands like Explosions in the Sky and This Will Destroy You. Russian Circles, Isis,...
I had a modded PS1 back in the day. I played Spyro and Crash Bandicoot like a motherfucker. It seemed so innocent.
Grif has a na'vi man crush.
And I swear by the moon and the stars in the skies, I'll be there.
Closing at a hardware store is a pain in the ass.
Charizard, Salamnce, T-Rex in a suit, etc. Dragons, dinosaurs, same thing. [IMG]
Ha which one? Salamance?
Metapod Vs Gyarados‏ - YouTube