They'll have to cope with it, Lights. Sandbox is so great alone, many people will probably forget it. Times are tough, and there's a time to be...
*Begins to Sing a sad melody*: Fraaaaagggg Man, why are you warned again? Fraaaaaaggg Man! Why...Oh why are you warned?!?
omg.....YES! WIN! Someone should make that....
[img] If this is what bungie made without any of our techniques, then Sandbox is forge heaven.
You may all stop Necro-Posting...this thread was dead LONG ago, just because some decided to Necro-Post, doesn't mean you may add to it. Further...
Well, lets not confuse it with the skybox, which is a larger box made up of images to create the sky of the map... I.E the sky bubble, isn't the...
That is what I just said.... Well, I didn't mean it like it was literally a second floor, it only acts like one for objects, players and...
If you people were actually reading it, it is a static death barrier, somewhere below the blue grid of the Sky Bubble (not a skybox, get it right...
that would be a yes...oh and....what do kids like to play?
Fight the power!
just thought I'd drop in and give you a random: NOOOOO!!!!!! Good day sir.
Down with Democracy?
O rly?
I vote for.....Frag Man - The Style is much more refined (I.E not random blue **** all on one side...) - It sticks to one theme, and adds to said...
lolol nou.... BTW, I am voting four ur sig, it r k nd doesn't afraid of anything.
Sp3c0P5grunt....he's everyone's enemy....
I am in your profile, killing ur doods.
..... I think I missed the TDIF.... *sadface*
You just have a natural talent for, as the kids these days call it: "owning" people, don't you?