Usually it's based off a specific idea or goal (though Subdivisions was me just winging it) that I have for the map. Typically I plan it out in my...
pleh. I've got 640 objects to work with. Besides, I've realized that some less important parts will need to be removed, but very few remakes are...
Not too long ago, I posted a screenshot in a thread about what people will make when they get Sandbox as a joke, before we even knew what sort of...
I'm pretty sure posting these types of videos isn't allowed. -_- EDIT: for all those who might think of watching, it's a screamer video.
that's probably what he meant. Anywho, Welcome to The Hub. Remember to follow the rules and guidelines, and just be friendly to our members (and...
Well if you noticed, I only said it looked to be a promising remake, aside from a few of the gripes I had about it.
I still do not get the purpose of Lockout remakes, we already have a lockout remake in Halo 3, why do you people still want them?! And Guardian?!...
That was definitely a mistake on your part, although it's acceptable, you might not have known. Deleting the default objects pretty much removes...
This map looks to be a promising remake of Hang Em' High, although I have a few gripes about it: - Out of all the pictures, I only see one...
Possibly the largest fail ever recorded in Matchmaking. This video is the very reason why we say "NEEDZ MOAR INTERLOCKZ". It's pretty pathetic...
Mr. Frag Man, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?
Well, we've budget glitched foundry, and we still never used up the maximum object limit. Bungie did say that the object limit for sandbox was...
Well yes, that's all fine and dandy for a few games or so...But, when I'm in a custom games party, I don't want to be forced to jump up and down...
That arch could possibly be the essence of Forgasm distilled and concentrated in it's purest form. Unfortunately, I cannot download it right...
HA! I laugh at you primitive only takes me 4 hours and 30 minutes to geomerge a box! ha ha ha! Oh, and to end your arguments......
If anyone should happen to still care, there is a better view of the caver entrance in this screenshot: [img]
^ This is true...just remember: "No Stairway!" Lets see how long it takes for people to get this reference...
Not bad Catmon & Deathtoll...not bad... I tested in some of the earliest versions (back when the BR Box was above each team) and when we...
We should seriously increase the site's bandwidth, because if we don't....the number of map posts might destroy it... Anywho...better get back to...
I like how everyone is saying: "If someone can remake (insert map here) they get a cookie." I think Bungie, deserves said cookies right about...