i did.
you may win this one.
***** please! I am the Doctor!
<3 flr.
hey *****!
you know what. Thank you kind sir. it fits well.
derp to the max, i revived the thread in the pub.
no i didn't, link?
meh, its was whatever. We need a minecraft subforum!
put in the key. Trust me, I coded it, it's confusing.
I thought I edited it. Oh well. I like the reformatting but you're going to have to move the col tags every time there's a new one.
I can go through and add a lit on the right side with each # listed with the maps. Bullocks
But I was faster than you, and I added in the maps you missed =D
Corrections made. Cheers, again, to everyone!
=D using old school, are we? Any coding errors, blame it on the fact that I was doing this during one of my "productive" moments at 5 am.
I remember seeing your name multiple times
why am I a traitor?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-maps-gametypes/139831-forge-hub-favorites-winners-archive.html#post1526938 reformatted for you!
Reformatted - 7/14/2012 Cheers boys.
Well I have actually come to accept the xbox one, because of its limiting me to only build in survival.