Lol, custom robo, that was a good one. My favorite was the Girl robot, the oink one. I'd have the boots that make you run really fast and the...
The most powerful keyblade is the Ultima Weapon. Its obtainable by collecting all the synthesis items. Valor form is the red costume where Sora...
I want you guys to name all the "bad" things Michael has done! And compare that to the number of things he has done positively. Just because he...
He wasn't trying to harm the child. There was people outside his hotel room, and you know how people get when celebrities and their children are...
I don't really play scary games because im a big ***** when it comes to playing them... The haunted mansion for the dreamcast gave me nightmares...
Wassup with the N64 having 17 damn votes! I mean it was a great system and all, but where's the love for the Dreamcast!? That was a great, and...
Uhhh, you sort of spelled his name wrong. Its "Michael" not "Micheal". I know, its a common mistake... But anyway, Michael doesn't "sux". He...
The Olympia was a short keyblade. Most short keyblades in KH1 had the ability where it was difficult to deflect it, meaning if you had that...
Tony Hawk's is still trying to make more skateboarding games!? I thought Skate kicked his?! I don't know if I would buy that game though. I mean...
i would of had Farcry 2 in my list, If it had the predator mode. Just imagine, playing predator mode using the maps you created with Farcry2's map...
What's so great about COD4 anyway? I had more fun playing Farcry: Instincts Evolutions. Don't get me wrong, COD4 is still a fun game...
Dude nothing beats the Kingdom Hearts series. Halo is getting boring. I believe the farCry and its predator game mode and map editor blows Halo...
The Sonic Adventure games was "Pure Epic-ness", they were the best selling games for Dreamcast. Its a shame the Dreamcast was so short lived. It...
Honestly who still owns a console from the 90's? I do! I had some of the most fun playing games for these consoles. They were great innovations...
I like the long keyblades. If the Oathkeeper was as long as the Fenrir or Sleeping Lion, it would be my absolute favorite. When it comes to looks...
I don't like the prices of the premium themes. And as you said, I don't want to buy them because I can't see what they would look like first. I...
Dude, just listening and watching the main menu screen in the kingdom hearts games gives me an orgasm! I love that game so much! Everything about...
lol, everyone likes the oblivion and ultima keyblades. Especially the Final form! I think the lionheart in KH1 was great too, so I'll add that to...
Well, at a point i though xbox should have had a disc tray like the Wii's and PS3, but I notice if anything was to ever happen to those trays or...