Um, I think the game is better just allowing players to only put on one attachment, I mean a silencer and a scope on a weapon will be overkill....
Lmao! I thought you was a forger, but your not... If there were more interesting on FH, i would be on a lot more... The only forum I like to post...
lol, I could care less about visitor messages or friends, I just like checking up on some forums and stuff. I've stopped forging, so I don't...
The one that says Kingdom hearts 3 is incorrect. The secret ending video in Kingdom Hearts 2 is the trailer to Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, not...
Well, i know of the 3 new ones they are making for mobile, PSP, and DS. For PS3, i don't know. Square-Enix should though, do you know how much the...
Lol, you just shot down all of my hopes... They should put the MP44 in COD:MW2, I love that gun Motion sensors are very much real. I have'em in...
Okay, i've googled it. Hallow Bastion is an original Kingdom Hearts world. Not from Disney nor Final Fantasy. I figured it was because in KH1...
I think having an Acog scope on pistols is kind of, weird.... A scope on a pistol is just plain weird. I can understand a laser attached to a...
You know what i want to see? Laser guided missiles! You know, the ones that killed Osama's cousin... It'll be cool, instead of airstrikes, we...
I wonder how much the prestige editioni s going to cost. Halo 3's legendary edition was $125 and all it came with was a replica chief helmet, and...
Wasn't Hallow Bastion a Final Fantasy world?
square-enix would be stupid not to make a third installment of KH. I dont even own a ps3 and the only the that will make me buy one is a KH3......
What do you map design? I thought it was great, especially Wonderland. The one world I like was Atlantica but hated the confusing water paths......
Dude, i do that every time i'm on my xbox! Im be glad to play with you... Its always fun to play with other people... Just like mmo's, its no fun...
O, okay I remember now. It was like this big bulky looking van thing, and on top was the .50 cal machine gun... How about that helicopter and...
that sucks, i like the specialist class... I wonder what other vehicles will be in the game though... An apc would be ****ing killer. Unloading an...
yeah, people in Bad Company sucks at piloting the helicopter. I and a handful of other people were the only ones to fly it... I cant believe they...
That secret video from kingdom hearts 2 was basically the trailer to Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep for the PSP... Although I have seen...
OMFG!!! Bad company was the most funnest (hope that's a word, Google time...) game I've ever played on my 360 yet! The whole sandbox style...
Dammit, i need those 2 final mix games! Plus I didn't even know they remade Chain of memories until last week, now i have to get that too!