Whoa. WOW. Everyone lets take a minute and think about what is being said. He took the time to make the post, put the pictures up, and you still...
Ur the only event staff left..... sad faice.
Well I was getting off soon anyway, but I just meant for general reference in the future. I must warn you, do not be put off by my high voice, I...
You spelled Enlightenment wrong.
Name change pl0x? The Yellow to Pfhorapfhobia.
Review? Oh... err yeah. Totally wasn't a loving rant...
This map is one of, if not the best forged map for larger scale battles I have EVER played. The layout makes Foundry seem its largest to date....
Why have you not read the bible yet you post as if you have? There are numerous references to homosexuality, all condemning. To make it easier I...
Bible.org: Homosexuality: The Christian Perspective This page should sum it up nicely for you. Note that this is not a direct representation of...
Hmmm oh well whatever.
Well actually your wrong. Not that I'm picking sides but I have read numerous biblical verses that specifically denounce homosexuality. I am not...
Wait so how did you renew your gold in the first place? Did you use MY code? Cuz I'll send it again.... but it should work.
Oh and you should prolleh change that status of yours.
Excellent job on Chasm man, its a great map. I loved it. I hope to see some more original works from you.
Yeh cuz I heard you were the one who was initially responsible for getting them, but I will put up one, which leaves one for you. Yes, I do want...
Yo Grif, for the three months for the prizes, how about I pay for one and you pay for the other? Cuz I know you were supposed to nab both but then...
Hey bro you don't have Xbox Live? I gotta three month you could have. Interested?
That ain't bad either. Foundry has solid gameplay, perhaps not dynamic and exciting but the game works and the spawns. Yet has anyone been able to...
Foundry is a great map for forge. Some of the most enjoyable experiences I have had in Halo 3 were in Foundry. Even though it may have walls, odd...
Look at it. Those are all pieces you can likely manipulate, not immovable. If you noticed there are small lines inbetween those structures.... as...