Do you realize that not only did you fail to read anything but you suggested adding an elephant. A vehicle not placeable or present on Foundry.
Ok you have my download. Hopefully your map has the layout to back up that beautiful forging of yours. And I'm confident it will. You most...
Well I see what you have done here. Starting out this map is fairly simple in design, and although it might not have a certain flare to attract...
Hello to you Shafterollia. Quite an interesting name you have there, but interesting is different, and different is original. I like original. If...
Why hello good sir. I happen to have seen your Industrial map and I'd have to say it looks promising. After all you are a fairly new member and I...
Why you retired?
Which is what I just said, I know the level ends with phobia, I made it Pfhobia. N00b.
Wow your retarded.
Excuse me wtf.
Absolutely incorrect. Pfhor is correct. Secondly the leve is Pfhoraphobia, but to make it more original, I substituted the phobia for pfhobia. So,...
Lulz. The Pfhor, pronounced For, are essentially the "bad guys" in Bungie'e Marathon series. The Pfhor attacked the USEC Marathon and also in the...
Lulz, well I mean you should known since the GT change. Dun wry, every name change marks another step in my enlightenment.
Meh, was about time for another name change. With every name change I become more enlightened in the world of gaming, forgehub and life. Enjoy.
Hey can you change my name to Pfhorapfhobia?
Not to mention your 51 kills in Team King....... yeah, thats why you like the rocket hall. But still, like I said, best map evar!
Ohz. filler
Are the Event Staff to be taken out then since there is now only 1 and 8 journalists? I don't understand what has happened is all.
I have this q'eud. You sold me on the pictures because from what I can see visually so far is a well forged map reminiscent of some I have played...
Don't ever post a comment concerning someone else's map like that again. If there isn't anything constructive to say about someone else's...
Hey man welcome to forgehub. I saw your map and was pleased that a new member embedded his pictures and provided all the necessary information....