Lulz, that didn't make you mad did it? That I said rich?
3 down. 4 to go.
Did they change the color of our names slightly, they look slightly easier to read....?
Still, that was a tad condescending as if you were above the other user when you said "I'll let it slide.." "since your new"
hahah, yes. I enjoy making you squirm with no comeback, no response, NO CONTROL.
Since I was previously a member of the Review Hub and was active, do I still have my spot or must I reapply?
Oh yeah, I luv you too.
Oh dun wry it wasn't rly serious, is jking.
I think if you really want to be a normal member you'd take that custom title off... just sayin....
Are you sure you will post it? its perfectly fine, I just have inferiority issues... lulz jk. ........
So what will we do about our map? If your live ran out.... then what? Also should I be the one to post it on Forgehub?
Umm no I'm not criticizing you I'm just saying its tacky. I used to do that when I first joined.
Dude youve gotta stop signing your name after every post. It looks tacky. Thats what sigs are for.
Im the Yellow nub cake.
I loled. You cutting slack for beginners? ha, you are a beginner.
I'm sorry I just don't think I can bring myself to join you. I'm striving to earn the Architect rank so I can focus on forge, and help others...
Umm k but that doesn't mean that all the staff should retire right? And will you get your rank back when the time is right? can you just ask for...
Dude wtf why are you a regular member? Not even Premium?
Well the biggest problem is the unbalanced sides of the map. One half of your map is relatively uncovered, more open and lacks the power weapons....
Toochie what ever happend to you? I haven't seen you in forever and now warned? What went to wrong?