It is truly a fault that the public schooling system relies on/expects the parents being involved. I'm 18 and have had no form of a sex talk. For...
What? You want to go down on Andy ****? You're sick.
This fact, among others, contributes even further to my belief that Halo3 will be more fun as time goes on. By the time I began playing Halo2, all...
One of thirty-two teams to have not lost a single game =] Cyber Bullies rape. Oh, and when you reply to a profile visitor message, reply on MY...
You'll have to fill me in on who that is, ha. I'm merely like Michigan. I live down in Florida, so I keep up with SEC stuff.
Ouch, bro. That sucks. I really like Michigan, though. I bet you enjoyed OSU's loss to USC last week ha. Any chance on you guys improving this year?
fors kernel phale
I'd like to submit Regency.
Hey, I saw your sig. I haven't been able to watch the Wolverines much this year. How's the new coach workin' out for ya?
Alrighty, I already wrote up this monstrousity of a post about this map, only to have it deleted by ForgeHub's post-stealing ghost. That ghost and...
I'd heard it was legally required. His letter said something to the effect of, "I'll sue your ass, if you don't." I could very well be wrong,...
I've not entirely searched through the previous comments; so, I don't have anything to counter really. However, I can say that I'll be voting (I...
I feel that most anything is tolerable in moderation. That is, one's eating habits, drinking, smoking, and even something like protesting, should...
Trying to put my personal bias aside, I can see teaching Creationism in the public schooling system as ethical. If only as a "possible" origin of...
It occured to me today that everyone judges everyone in one form or another. I roof for a living in the great state of Florida. My job is hot,...
Hey, bro. I wanted to congratulate you on the map. I actually wrote up this huge, 5-paragraph summary, complete with headers, explanations, more...
any chance you can forward me the videos of the three games you played against the other team? I'd like to see their playing style.
Ghost, read it! I could've said that in a PM, but I also remembered a few pleasing parts of ES that I wanted to note. The middle structure's...
As said, I'll be sad to hear this happen, if it does. I'm looking forward to Halo Wars just a fraction less than I looked forward to Halo3. I'm...
BRO!!! If you won, Sharp and I are scheduled to play you next. I checked your thread, but I see no confirmation of a winner. Can't wait to find...