Amidst your wretched grammar, I see a big fault. You're a poor sport. Halo2's community, "as said," was more bonded than H3's. Sure, everyone...
Consider this: It's not difficult for me to go look up the "difficult" spots that Telrad keeps referring to, but how difficult is it for you to...
Eh, fruitless argument. The only constructive thing I can add is that you should definitely use proper grammar, or at least attempt to. Everyone's...
I'd post an intelligent retort, but there seems to be no resource reference for any of your claims. Links help us understand where you're coming...
Lulz. Given it was Lloyd Carr's last game with the Wolverines, I was ok with that loss. I've always liked him as a coach, and we got Tebow as the...
The problem is that folks are too picky. Sure, it's a sport. Just as the MLG guys claim. It requires things that any physical sport requires,...
Your logic::: ---Hiding is cheap. It's not difficult to sit around a corner, wait for the first kill to walk by, and then move to a spot where...
Great, ha. Did you watch Florida and Tennesee last weekend? I'm a UF guy, and that's basically the biggest game of the year for me, lulz.
As a Christian, I feel that it's a necessity to believe that my chosen path is the only way to heaven. I believe that this Unitarianism stuff is...
1: Correct, that was an assumption. For that reason, I included a statement should the assumption be false. Moreover, my assumption was based upon...
berry sune
I keep seeing the word "Competitive." I'm afraid there's nothing competitive about hiding. It doesn't require skill. Telrad, I'd even offer a...
Yeah, I contemplated changing when the new skin came out, but as soon as I realized that I could switch to the old, I kept my font style. I type...
I was merely over-emphasizing for the sake of argument. My point was obviously misconstrued, but I'll live. Now: There is quite an amount of...
Exactly. You look at someone who purposely lags the other players out of the game, for instance. What's the first thing you say? "Oh, that takes...
I...err...I'm...err... I'm not a competitive gamer at all. I like competitive gaming, but nothing's better than driving your flag-carrying...
Ah, I see. I have this unexplained hate for Notre Dame. Rudy seems to be the only thing I've ever enjoyed from them, lulz. Like ok, is it just me...
You're the one who initiated said "discussion." To say that you don't care insinuates that you actually don't care. Your continuously faulty logic...
Rep is seen differently by a lot of folks. Personally, I see it as a means of knowing another's credibility based on how positively or negatively...