It's fun with two people, especially if you have a friend over and you two just want to do some racing. :squirrel_wink:
I like the detail in which the items are placed. I hate it when people just throw random crap around... But this is a good map, although, I...
It's a good map, I'd agree with 7/10 one.
I need room for more Costom Content so sorry, I cant download... :squirrel_sad:
The width of the part of the map I use doesn't allow really far apartness so their not RIGHT next to each other, but pretty close. And to answer...
It's a great 2v2 map, I havn't tried 3v3 yet, but it puts a twist into Grifball because you have the accidental Grifball carrier falls off the map...
I think that is rediculis that it costs 800 Microsoft points to change a name...It's outragous that you have to spend more money to change a name...
I want a Target in my town now... >.<
Thats what I did, I'm posting it on my fileshare soon and its a great one, me and my friends were playing. I'll put it on my fileshare soon and...
I sent you a friend request Woody, the name is evil bla. I'll PM you hopefully tomorrow.
I would already be like an Elite if my birthday came around. (July)
Anyone is crazy who joined Forgehub ^__^
God, Halo needs Dedicated Servers because of maps like this!
[off topic] Skutch, my star wars pic in my signature is better! [/off topic] I have to say, this is deffinatly NOT a good infection map...I...
I want to click the link but I don't want too! D;
Re: Fail Valley International Speedway - Banked Oval I qued it for download yesterday right when I had to leave for work. I'm going to try it out...
The only problem is you would need some kind of 3D image creator like 3DS Max, and not many people have that, let alone are good enough to make...
Well, there should at least be five minute timed rounds. If you make it unlimited, then the Zombie automaticly wins over time.
Re: The Facility Agreed, well done on the first map and post. Welcome aboard the Hub of the might Forge! We hope to see more work like this from...
Well, this gameplay then reminds me of playing Team Slayer on The Pit. My team, always goes to the swordroom, and if someone wants to, one of us...