Rats Nest GB (Grifball) Created by evil bla and the original creator for making up Grifball. A Grifball map made on Rat's Nest. Base:...
I found them too but I never talked to admiral. I finished the game with all Paragon, so I told the Narrorator all the good stuff
It once took me about 2 minutes to get mine back to normal, damn poweroutages!
I'll post some pictures of it today or tomorrow.
It came out for the regular Xbox a while back, maybe you could rent it?
Re: The Facility Keep cranking these kind of maps out, and I'll test it out tomarrow with some buddies and send you some feedback.
If he should change anything, it should be the name. I was really dissapointed in seeing a Foundry map with some random name. :squirrel_sad:
Havn't you ever played Conker: Live and Reloaded.
I've been in many plays so I'm fantastic at voice acting, and as for Sets, I can make things look really detailed instead of quickly thrown together.
I already suggested the shutdown icon.
Pokemon snap for Wii or the 360.
I beat the game yesterday :) Gruntilda is a pain in the ass on the first one. My favorite level is Click Clock Wood, the four seasons one.
Wow is right...How Ironic, that was kinda an idea that sounded good, did you find the same problem about Alpha zombie winning no matter what or...
You could make a fun one on The Pit maybe? That would be a twist to the normal Foundry maps.
ROFLCOPTER! same here! i have over 150 more Gravity Hammer kills than Assault Rifle or Battle Rifle kills now. Also, I think I have sword as my...
YES!!!! I finally beat one shot one kill and all Ghuillied up on Veteran!!! W00t w00t! Now all I need is War Pig and Mile High club.
I'll click on the link before I turn off my computer.
Hahahahaha, you're poor, you cant affeord stuff! (Quote if you didn't know)
Yeah, I guessed that you needed to get headshots to actually kill the people. The Magnums only and the 2000% damage resistance kinda gave that away.