I wonder if Spark thinks Vista sucks...
Re: Post your desktop! agreed, its a very nice background :) Oh hey, what are those modeling things in the desktop? Are they programs for Halo 1?
Make the homepage a porn site that is nasty that has tons of popups.
Does it rape my couch?
I R getting Skullcandies from my Aunt... I like what they look like but I don't like the whole Skullcandy concept of it. Too many people have...
Looks great, when I tried to re-create LVU Campus it looked like ****. At least this looks good. :D
Well lighthouse makes no sense for this map and I really expected a watery level.
Its cool how you can just snipe people off ledges and watch their bodies fall. :)
I registered to join the site, it sounds like a good plan. Any chance though you could expand it to Halo 3, COD 4 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2? any...
Does it lag or capture sound bad or anything like that?
Everytime I do that, it never records sound...even if I have my volume all the way up..
Re: Post your desktop! He could have made it... :squirrel_wtf: Hey oth, any chance you can make me a Desktop picture? I don't have a mouse...
Sounds allot more simpler than using a capture card, and capture cards are harder to come by here in Juneau Alaska...
Dju pre-order it?
Umm not to burst any bubbles, but wouldn't this thread going under the Gaming - Halo Discussion Forum? But anyways back on topic, I like the...
Hey, I've been using Hypercam 2 (Free download) for years. It sucks beyond all comprehension, I've been trying to find a good FREE one that...
Thats scary, their looking up at the satalite...
Yeah, I'm glad you made it because it is so original for forge. I'm glad you took advantage of the Soccer Balls for this kind of map.
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) Yeah, its fine I just don't like being accused of Falsehood.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 2!!!) I know, I'm dissapointed... I'm going to go watch Saving Private Ryan to squelch my dissapointment.