Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) Is that off the record?
Props to Bungie for Halo!
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. Props to Foundry!
Even worse 3 new remakes... I would be very sadface... They need a Parking Lot version of Foundry, or a island.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) You know what would be great? If they made for new maps like premade destroyed Warthogs with Marine...
Agreed, if you get caught in a corner whoever shoots first wins. It's most of the time reaction but if you're in a hallway all you need is like a...
Just a little snicker...ROLFCOPTER My Roflcopter goes: SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI
I saved up for five weeks before I had the money for Vegas 2 limited edition and pre-ordered the Limited Edition. Sadly, I just got my job that...
Aww Titmar, you could at least be a little less harsh... Maybe: You stupid noob! Everybody knows that really dumb glitch! Go drown in your own...
Grats on 100th post :) I have to agree, I'll be playing Vegas 2 sooo much when I get on XBL next time.
Thats why I think their better... I wouldn't have said what I said if I didn't know what I was talking about... :squirrel_eyebrow: I don't...
Re: ..:Forklift Wars:.. Well, it looks fun to me.
Re: Rats Nest GB (Grifball) Football veriant FTW.
At first I was like "Awww ****" when I saw this thread because I can't play it until tomorrow and I was bumbed because I didn't know it was...
It looks like a remake of that one DLC Halo 2 map and Sidwinder. Don't forget Snowbound!
The new Vehicles for Avalanche are going to be awesome! Expecially the Hornet, now its like my favorite Vehicle.
Re: New Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* (Update 4!!!) They need to make premade buildings you should be able to place... In this one, they should make...
He is right, please don't spam like that. One: even though this is off topic and you can spam this isn't really the thread you should do so with....
My last pair of those broke in half.
1 on 1 is awesome! Although, sometimes you got to do some running around because you'll see him on your radar but he'll be like 2 floors above you.