please don't advertise your map in someone else's post nuggs. on topic: this map looks very fun and challenging. ninja warrior is always good. gj
i personally think its decent. your friend could have interlocked those boxes though to make it look more neater
looks like a well made map but you could have interlocked those boxes. the reason why is because those boxes usually make the map bumpier and...
"-i'm so serious right now- I'm more serious than you are- OH Yeah!- Yeah!- Shut the f up i'm more serious than both of you combined!" LOL funny vid
looks simple but might be fun. 2 questions though, wouldn't the game lag a lot because of the explosions, and can't someone just shoot from the...
my eyes! jk. you should take pics with the filters off so we could get a better feel of the map and maybe 1 pic with it on
i too find this thread a bit racist but thats my opinion. btw ivory he did interlock in the border only. it also looks a bit empty
those houses look very well made and so does the rest of your map. gj
that tank pic looks funny and i like the way you used man cannons as the teeth.
great idea with putting weapons in the boxes. you said to put in low gravity so you could reach the bridges but wouldn't they be able to jump out...
you might want to interlock those walls and also i don't see a lot of cover on the ground floor. seeing as this is your first post though, it...
thats one overweight robot! looks good but seriously, someone needs to hold off the cookies for a while! good job :)
looks like a fun and hectic infection map. i especially like that zombie pit. gj
pure genius. excellent interlocking, great "causeway", and nice arch thingy. qued
the map itself looks good but the fourth pic makes it look a little empty.btw that clocktower looks very neat and well done. 4/5. gj.
please don't double post and nice interlocking
anger management anyone?
i looked away from foundry racing for awhile but this is bringing me back! nice use of interlocking. 10/10 good job
i like the way the map looks. you didn't interlock but at least the platform itself is leveled out unlike some other maps where the floor of the...
great remake but wouldn't it be easy for someone to jump out of the map from the sniper tower if they wanted to even though they wouldn't get any...