Don't be hating on GoodWhaleSushi! Me and him are good friends even after all this time. I've been friends with him since TGIF #6! GWS is so pro...
COMMANDERMATT1/Crytokid's break the monotony! This TGIF went fairly well, Commander got bored and left early so I continued to host until...
Welcome back! Stay with us this time! Don't leave! "One of us, one of us, one of us." Lol @ all the colored members welcoming you back even...
Really now... Why would Forge Hub die once ODST is released? A bunch of people thought FH was going to die when Farcry 2 came out but look at it...
About 10 hours late but I'm on Skype now. What do you need?
Of course... Your the reason I'm still hosting. Without some friends with me throughout the event and take the strain from hosting I would have...
Don't worry about it... It was kinda fun to lock my own thread for the first time anyways. It didn't offend me but it was kinda funny when I saw...
Holy ****ing ****... You became Admin?! Nice, but I never really thought the next Admin would be you. (No offense intended) Have fun checking out...
Unless you plan on not getting ODST the day it comes out then I suggest you pre-order. I'm already $20 dollars paid off on the regular edition at...
It doesn't matter... It was fun that I was able to lock my own thread. As long as my members still had fun, I'm happy.
Hi everyone im COMMANDERMATT1. I am Paulie Walnut'z awesome Asian friend [: hes amazing. So i made this account and i am very confused about what...
COMMANDERMATT1/CryptoKid's Old School TGIF party of win! ^That a good name for the party?
You being my Co-Host again, Right? I'm just going ahead and signing up with you as my Co-Host. If you can't then I'll remove it later.
Yep, you should see a nice front page feature of all the TGIF recaps since we stopped doing a recap every week. Keyword: should...
Tgif #40...
You know what?... I think we're better off skipping it; Not because I'm lazy or anything it's just when TGIF #40 is around we'll get a nice little...
Think you could write up the recap and send it too me and I'll copy and paste it into the recap thread? I don't know the first thing of what I...
Yep, But for some reason half of the pictures I took last night is missing. The pictures of Tremor and Mouse are gone and that's about the only...
Oh ****, is down and I can't retrieve my gallery pictures I took for the recap. I could wait or I could try to use the...
Okay then, I'm going to start writing up the recap soon, anything you want to say PM/VM me.