Welcome to the secret club of awesome.... Don't eat the nachos and don't even think about testing out our pool. We still got dead bodies floating...
Meh... Seems pretty legit to me... I just love Kotaku for this kinda things... ;)
Sorry ya'll, but the video is true and here is my proof... Kotaku.com EDIT: Well, okay not exactly all true but with Modern Warfare 2 being less...
First of all, we at Forge Hub does not condone with trying to boost to get your post count up. Sure, I encourage you to post on the forums, and...
Forge Hub - Forum Rules Read the rules and follow the rules, get involved within the community, have fun, and be helpful, and you'll fit right...
Guess what?... I did the same thing too... All I really did today was watch a little bit of TV and mostly just listened to the radio while I'm...
Hey! That's why I put you as a host... I said "I may or may not join" and when I did it was time for you to leave but you'll be happy to know that...
You want my honest opinion?... My review in a spoiler for a reason... If you don't want to read it, then don't click on it. [spoiler]
Same for me; and I changed my age yesterday... I'm guessing this doesn't work anymore?
I'll probably end up being one of the hosts for TGIF but if I'm busy then my good ol' Co-Host Cryptokid will lead the party to victory. If I'm not...
Whoa, whoa... Settle down now, I know what your problem is, Xylom. You must have a 'Child Account' set up, even though yes, you signed up for the...
Uh... Then, it probably doesn't help to much that I got into the Google Wave program, huh? I got an invite from a friend of mine and it's pretty...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/blogs/commandermatt1/2055-guy-video-game-store.html Kthxbai... At least my job is real. lol... Requesting lock.
Sorry, I smashed my finger in the car door while getting out so I had to go to get it looked at and by the time it was all over they had to put on...
Go ahead...
Indeed... How you been?
"Crazy high school student and otaku" If you was still here we would get along just fine... You just described me in 6 words and what really...
My dream has been fulfilled... I've just been hired at Gamestop!... Although me working there is kinda like a 'trial period'; The manager is...
Had a pretty boring day at school, today but I'm super excited because today I have a job interview at Gamestop! That's right, Gamestop.
I can't believe I just watched the whole thing... There's two and a half minutes I'll never get back.