Wow, you will have to teach me how to get upside down cannonmans
Looks great, I will download at the weekend... Seems like alot of fun.
I hate it when the other team have an excellent sniper because your so close to killing someone then they just snipe you. I also hate it when...
I need to captin first, then I shall play with U guys
Anymay, Im shorty (I dont give my real name out online) I am quite good at graphics design, im new to forging so im not very good but I am trying...
I have had it twice... The first time they supposedly fixed it, but later broke again... so they sent me a new one which hasnt botherd me once
Looks fun, I will download at the weekend
Re: Speedway Maybe he just put it there out of bordom?
In lone wolfs the top 3 people get EXP
I was going to try this, but my dad just told me to send it back to microsoft...
Re: COmpound Are you going to post a link? it sounds interesting though
Thats what happens to me, I hardly ever gain skill but yet I always lose it
Well, When playing ranked matches when I lose sometimes I lose EXP, sometimes I dont... when I win... sometimes I gain, sometimes i dont......
Cool, I would love general,,,
I doubt it exists
It sort of reminds me of the time where I threw a grenade randomly and i got a double kill
Its probibly just coincidence
Re: UPSIDE DOWN foundry video and downloads If only you could make the players upside down to...
The mic taster, there are just some people that think to talk to people they have to eat there mic
Im a luitenant grade 2 at the moment, just a bit more skill and I will be a captin