Maybe you get lots of killjoys on it...
I dont think so, but then again... im not sure
cool, looks like a baby play area...
Looks cool, will download sometime
Its a bit like my maze map
Could someone recommend a good capture card to me?
Yea, but at least now the kills are fair
Each map is made for a differenent purpuse so it really depends
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? Well according to my bungie stats its AR... Top 10 TOD 1) AR 2) Melee 3) Plasma Grenade 4) Frag Grenade 5)...
Huh, I didnt know about any podcast, but then again, im dumb
Totally agree with Poztar. I think both systems have there ups and downs
Re: new Halo DLC *ANNOUNCED* Looks like a great map, im defenatly gonna buy this one
To get Heroic Member you need a certian number of posts... Maybe they increased it?
No, just all of my friends are on COD4 or there on MM
Yea, I agree with karpura... although the convient have many good weapons, the humans have much more powerful ones. but I do love the beam rifle!
Yey, finally... I can play custom games with people
Yea, im gonna put that in big letters...
Ive got in that area before, just remove all respawn points and throw one in the tower...
Yea, I was just about to post how it works... When you get close behind a grav lift it pulls you towards it, so it sticks you to the roof... It...