Never had halo 1 or 2... could someone please explain team swat to me?
Invincibility is better than camo because you can get killed with camo... plus its more annyoing to the people shooting at you
Well, you cant do much with any other maps so...
Isnt this the glitch they show you on 'Halo 3 Tricks'
Yes, theres a thing called the battle rifle... But I way thinking a UNSC rifle...
Yea, I like it the way it is now
Well hey, you could just snipe the guy with the rockets...
I normally just get on it and keep pressing 'b' ... although I did see a glitch where you can attually drive the AA wraith!...
I probibly wont get close
Looks like a good map, little messy but oh well
Looks like a good map, but doesnt seem that full of action
I dunno what I am to be honest
Re: poll!!!!!!!!!!!!! Halo gets my vote
I saw about this, but im not gonna enter
Wow, looks cool, will try it later
its a mongosse not mongesse... (i think)
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Yea, MS Support FTL...
Ah, that makes alot of sence about the stolen shoes and the squirall army
I think I saw it on a post on bungie...