Well you would wonder why there is a semi-naked guy on the mission "halo"
Yea, I prefer Custom games and forging... hence my low rank of a captin
Isn't the APC hog the one with the interlocked barricades... I thought it was called the "Troop Hog"
Conquest map? whats that...
I would help you but I cant go on my 360 through the week...
Well, you are crazy normally
I often find people "teleport" in matches... but there was one game I played with MAJOR lag... I was in the very open with no-one near me and I...
There is one on snowbound... In the main rooms where the beam rifle and S.Laser spawn there are poles down the side which you can climb up and...
sometimes when I play team doubles I end up with like 19 points and my teammate with 6
Maybe bungie mods are being H4x0rd!
Infection weekend... nice...
Besides, having the flaming helmet sucks because if you get camo... the flame is still there
Bungie put limits there for a reason...
That must have taken... long... to write
That is a truly amazing map... Give me more!!
There isn't much use for them... I mean, when you first do a cool glitch your like "woah, cool!" but then the fun just starts to wear off
I would like doors that are opened, like those in the campain mission: crows nest maybe even gates that are opened by a switch... that would just...
Foundry FTW!! -- maybe your just playing bad foundry maps?
blue and black checkers to... XD
Re: Global Warming: The Truth Although it is happening... Its just so the government can get more tax from carbon footprint