Yeah, the problem is that the Mongoose, Ghost, Warthog, and Banshee are all "reserved vehicles" in Race. By that I mean that if you go into the...
If you can handle a "tl;dr" then I can give you some advice on how to go about creating an individual puzzle in a puzzle map. Obviously a puzzle...
Bruce Willis was dead all along...
Jumping off a player's head is cheating! Anyway, I am working on a Reach puzzle map but it's taking a while (Puzzle maps always take ages to...
This. What you thought was your file remaining in Halo 3 after being deleted from your fileshare was actually the file being on someone else's...
Stockpile eh? I like it! This is a cool original take on a puzzle map, making one where you can complete the challenges in any order. The use of...
You can't take out the mongoose in Race. You will always be force-spawned onto a vehicle no matter what. Even if you get out of the vehicle, it...
I know you're just asking for a name, but I have two suggestions if you would like to hear them. These are based purely on my observations of the...
I've been working on a Race puzzle map, so I've also come across this issue and I can tell you what's causing you to spawn on foot. In race you...
Seems like a bit of a pickle. Your best bet would be to rearrange your starting room so that all the spawn points can be made into a semi-circle,...
What about a Spartan-only Race variant? Do these exist? (Probably a bit of an odd question, but it would be useful for me!)
This convinced me to download your map and give it a go. Most people think you can just tilt some walls 45 degrees, throw them together, and "Bam"...
Forever lawl!
This ^^ That should be all the proof required. If this guy has really stolen your map and just added some stuff then it will still show you as...
Get rid of that 'Roar'ganite. You're supposed to be Piano Ore, damnit!
Wooo, yay the first stand-out puzzle map for Reach! This is how it's done folks. It feels like most Reach puzzle maps so far have been like Halo...
I heard from somebody that you like to urinate on sea mammals during the winter solstice, you sick fiend! P.S. please stop telling me these...
Awesome discovery! A "no-weapon" glitch in Reach! I knew it wouldn't be long until someone found one... Those pics look damn sexy too....
Even though you attempted to trick me by giving me a broken link, I still did as you requested. HA!
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