MYSPACE Tyler. if you need the last name, im not shure if you do. here it is: Perry
looks really good man. i will deffinitly try it out.
Metroshell thanks alot. Aclopolipse ill try to get some new screenies on tonight before the legendary pack release. And Metroshell there is no...
oh my god this looks amazing man. i am going to download right now!
i downloaded your map .. and it does not turn itself on. maybe i'm missing something here?
thanks guys. tell me what you think after you try it.
Up-Close Action Created by x assassin54 x Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer Map Description This is a map I had thought up one day. Its a really...
looks very good ill download it right now.
slipskip ill be shure to look at that and see why it does that. and i will edit to put the right version on.
thanks for the replies guys. hope you like the map.
completely amazing map nick. you did a great job and deserve front page.
EDIT: map fixed so ball always spawns inside arena. Created by x assassin54 x Supported Gametypes: griffball only Map Description Well I saw...
look good, man. dl'ing right now.
looks very promising. might be better than the first. queing.
Fort Knox Created by asassinspartan [br] Supported Gametypes: infection [br] Map Description This map is probably inspired by all of the 'Fort...