looks well made. some things could have been a little straiter but BARELY so it doesnt matter. i like how you only used the back side of the big...
looks very good. looks like it could be FFA but also more too. saw some places that could have been interlocked a little bit better but thats it....
really like the interlocking. and the map design. you made a small map big by utilizing space so there not alot of open areas. 5/5
haha not suprised, i dont even have to ask tex becaues you are teh pwnz. oh that reynbow far ya.
haha playahater. you are teh pwnz in reading.
Zstrike is happened AGAIN! haha. somebody should really lock this.. are you retarded? were not posting on this thread for what it is for because...
heres mine. not NEARLY as good as any of the others but here it is. amutuer gim user ;] [IMG]
cant really say anything except nice merging but even i still see things that a crooked. but considering you dont have alot of screenshots and its...
lots of screenshots, thats always good. looks very well made especially because it is in the air. i really like it and it being out of the map and...
yeah i tend not to use common knowledge much. it kind of just slips my mind sometimes haha.
so yeah sorry guys about that again. just me being stupid not reading the front page. hehe .. yeahhh. :P
are you being sarcastic?
in my opinion it needs more cover. but good interlocking and map layout. 3/5
nice map. i like the close quarters thing, awesome interlocking and forge techiques. the only thing i think would've been better if you used...
really like your forging techniques. awesome, very original map. 5/5
ohmy freaking god i am sorry? god people sometimes.....
colors:blue and black theme:crazy grunge text:x assassin54 x smaller text under name:a true ninja pic:some AMAZING looking assassins creed...
thats pretty crazy man. i feel bad for your sister, how old was she when this happened?
pic=of a rouge spartan with a katana on his back. main colors=blue and black. theme=grunge and/or fancy designy text=x assassin54 x small text...
reynbow did your sister really get her arm cutoff or did you just photoshop it?