This map will have you spinning in circles, sweating while clasping your controller, trying to stay under control, you look all see...
if i had more money i couldve geo-merged the two ways into the ground and used the tunnels in the back
well, yea i no, but i couldnt fit it all, but thats not all this map is, its not all about how acurate a remake it is but how fun the map is right?
it was 4 in the morning and i didnt want to, also read former posts....i didnt know how to interlock, but it still haz 1000+dlds =]
lolz its my fav too =]
i no i didnt interlock b4 i made this map but check out the ones in my fileshare for cool **** this was one of my first maps and personally i...
looks pretty sweet
they're ladders, ther's no other way
lolz i was board of cod4 and went to halo and i was like, i wanna maka map so made the first thing i thought of, which was the most recent map i...
ya and the pit plays well, you can play this wit or without the gametype, but if you want it to be more call of duty 4 styled use it cuz it is a...
This is one of my favorite maps that i made it a remake of the map pipeline from the game call of duty 4 here is the gametype. it is also a...
you stand on the powerup and it takes you up if it doesnt right away...wait about ten seconds same for at the top stand on and wait about 10 but i...
coyote showed me the door, i think its amazing, same with the conveyer belt that was pretty sweet
i always loved that game......but thanks guys i didnt think this counted as one of my good maps
ya i guess your right, ill fix that
me likey swichzzzzzzz they in me sig
i only posted it on and h3 artificers, click it in my sig to see the artificer link
alright, ill do some approvements for V.2 thanks for the advice =]
thanks, and more switches and maps like this one are in my sig too if any1 wants to checkemout
i am thinking on a v2 with more switches in it, but for now only V.1 is avaliable =]