i remember you showing me this american, outSATNDING map, i loved playing on it with one of my friends and i wouldnt change a single thing.....10/5
i have alot of switches, and i am making a amp with a switch right now, check my signature in the switch section plus i alredy have two switch...
Ok, so this is my new switch, it is basically a last resort, or a secret passage switch that gopher was wondering if it was possible. well it is,...
thank you, i hope you all like them, and i hope to see alot of cool maps made with them. =]
umm, yea where do i put it though? in this frum maybe? O_o
i love the way it loks, star fox is awsome for n64, 5/5!
thank you paulie, and i know, i changed the title, its not an mlg anymore, i guess
you look like an amazing forger, i love how you make your maps,
extremely well on the interlocking, looks like a VERY fun map, 5/5 i will be sure to download
its me, but i also post them there, thats how they saw them, i post them on both =]
looks f'ing sweet, i like the scenery 4/5
thank you, and is it really the best? wow thanks
sweet bro
the infamous, "so ya nice job...." from jakattak lol thanks everyone, but i think its too open too, guess i shulda fixed that =]
i changed it to about 60, and the rockets are 120
the bridges are interlocked, but barely
hey pirate if you wanna help me make a v2, send me a fr
so ill change the name, ive played most gametypes except for like juggernaut and infection but it is really fun all the same
thank you, i accidentally put this in casual, i clicked it to see a casual map i liked and forgot, then i posted my map
really? ok well yea i originally had things in the open spaces, but i played with a couple friends and he said "Its pretty cool, but sometimes...