Here are a few links to help get you started: New Member Helping Service- a group made by senior members like me to assist new members Forging...
Welcome to Forge Hub. Here is a directory that may help you out. New Member Helping Service- a group made by senior members like me to help new...
I do like the border and the bottom text, but I don't like how you put the screenie in there. And I doubt that you trademarked "Got Sniper?". 3/5
I got a 50% w/o cheating! Looks like I'm number 6 on the scoreboard.
I agree. It really isn't that funny. You get a 2.5/5
You actually need to have people report you. I don't think that works anymore though.
Not bad. You got a really good angle and the explosion is just so cool when those Scarab go down! You really managed to capture that in this...
I think that an employee used it, or some idiot decided to send out a one time use code to everybody. All I know is that it has something to do...
Me: I see myself in graphics and design. This site: A distant memory of awesome-sauce.
Honestly, I don't like this at all. A banshee is getting lazered (on the ground), and some guy is walking away, with an elite hiding against a...
Welcome to Forge Hub! Don't forget to read the Rules and browse through our Map Forums for some great maps. If you need any help getting...
Add an "Undecided" option the the poll, for those who have not made up their minds yet. I would vote for Obama. Making Palin his running mate was...
Being a Christian, I believe that you either go to Heaven or Hell. As for what you said about the thing that would make you live for ever, I...
This has to be a joke. She could hardly run Alaska. How the hell does anyone expect her to run the United States of America?
When I read the first post, I was thinking Oh crap! I hope it doesn't land on me. Then I saw Nitrous's post, and I want it to hit my house! Not...
There isn't much you can do about the stupidity of online matchmaking players. All they want to do is kill. They don't cooperate. They are...
I like a lot. The concept isn't exactly original, but the execution gets a good score. Originality: 3/5 Execution: 5/5 Total Score: 4/5
Okay, just PM me with the more specific details. And I am guessing that Whatupdog is the friend that GMF Painkiller mentioned, correct?
I heard on a SarcasticGamer podcast that after you beat the game, you get to fight zombie Natzis. Oh, and I saw a preview for a game on X-Play a...
I would be happy to assist you. You need to be a little more specific though, and provide a pic you want me to work with.