BTW those are called pop-outs. I don't like the text on the last one. I'd say that they're okay.
Nice locking skillz.
Separately, the BG and characters are good. Together, not so much. They just don't go together well. I like how you made the border look like a...
Err, could you rephrase that last message. And the sig will be done by tomorrow at the earliest, since I'm still doing stuff for Legacy Designs....
I'm all wrapped up in Legacy Designs business at the moment. But, if you want, I will (after I finish up what I'm doing of course).
I disagree with that Jelly: Archaeologists study artifacts of the past daily to further our knowledge of past civilizations and their technology....
I think that is really interesting. I would however question the amount of transparency for the text. Did you create the background pattern yourself?
As the human race progresses, old information is outdated and disproved, as new ideas emerge and advance. This is of course a natural process...
Lol it's fine. He apologized for his behavior and whatnot so he was unbanned.
If your going to ignore me at least delete the post. Its an utter embarrassment that shouldn't be.
Your really late to the party... This was sorted out days ago.
Hmm... I see what you mean. I like the middle of the BG but the left is nowhere near as good and should definitely altered.
I do hope your kidding. I really do. If it "stands for" the sun, make it a sun. What's so hard about that? All I'm saying is that the BG is much...
Okay... you could have explained that in the first post. Now I sort of see what you meant by this signature. Maybe try making the transition...
I understand it is the focal point. That's what makes it weird. It's a glowing circle over a great BG.
Lol whatever, I haven't been GFXing lately, mostly working on some forums. Besides, this is CnC on your work, not mine. Also, please don't defend...
First Signature: The big circle takes away from the BG too much, which should be the focus of this signature. As for the BG, nice work. You went a...
There is very poor flow and the BG is too empty and uneven. The BG/render don't go together very well. Also, it's okay to make a border a color...
Playahata is probably right. It does look like New Mombasa when you zoom in.
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