Dude that is sick. Nice find. Why didn't someone think of that before?
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/49503-attention-please-16.html Dude, you made that edit AFTER I POSTED.
That is really great. Excellent color choice and shapes. I would download Bryce or Cinima 4D, but my computer is terrible, so I'm staying with...
Good advice, TDHarding. The text does not go with the rest of the sig at all. Needs a fancy font with a abstract clipping mask.
Nice job on the tree. Not the best camera angles though. To make it look better for the first one, try taking the pic again without the...
As far as XBL arcade goes, I'd buy Geometry Wars or Castle Crashers. I have'nt bought any of them, but I've heard they were great, even though...
I was going to go for Castle Crashers, but then I realized it was just a button-masher. Another good buy is a premium theme. I'm thinking CoD5...
I got 4000 points. I think they are going to Rock Band 2/Zune songs. A few of them are also going towards the FC2 DLC.
No, click my sig.
An animation? I think you should sign up at LD for that. We have a few skilled animation people hiding in the forums.
Frag Man, some of us are trying to give you CnC, so using sarcasm, insults, and being overly stubborn about our advice is just annoying. If you...
I'm not too fond of this sig: The light source is unnatural, "Frag Man" is much too transparent and big, too much unused space, and whats with the...
OFFICIAL Legacy Designs Sig Shop>Terms of Service (near the bottom of the page)
Another good shop is the OFFICIAL Legacy Designs Sig Shop (see my signature).
You must read the Terms of Service in the OFFICIAL Legacy Designs Signature Shop. It clearly states that you must give credit to Legacy Designs...
Go to the OFFICIAL Legacy Designs Signature Shop, give us some specifics on what you want, and a LD member will get right to work on your signature.
I think they are way too small. It looks like you tried to cram in too much stuff into a small sig, which doesn't work. Also, the edges on all of...
Nice edit Draxfear. I was going to say it needed a BG.
That looks like it would be difficult. There isn't enough room on the top for hats and not enough room on the sides for a Christmas tree. Not the...
Wow good job Deathtoll, this really took off. If you haven't already, please take me off the list of staff. I'm not into Halo anymore. Good luck!...