go me, top 5. mostly bump and syntax.
ppc v 3.0 only dubstep
Post avatar shitness Party Countdown
thats a perfect description of me.
stagger the bastard and hack him down.
**** yea. im gonna make a sig of it or something. dead space 2 is over a year old now.
throw it on the ground please.
who? black theorem?
free will can not be given to us, for that is not free because its boundaries have been defined by a designer. All holy text is useless in this...
hi all. where's my phalange?
or not.
except, that it doesnt require faith. just more science.
are you that hot waitress lady? wait, you aint hot.
yeah, its pretty smart, but its difficult to contextualise
i agree, he is dead. i disagree with the rest because he's dead and you're using the present tense.
you're not theist, you're a troll. exit's that way.
stops the ps3 version from chugging HARD
you know in some scripts moses was immaculately conceived.
its perfectly fine and good for you to hold religion in a personal manner, to bring comfort to yourself. but many people wield it in offensive...
this thread isnt for changing minds, its for finding the final debate. the fact you've given up puts you in the same league as radiantrain, but...