so n7 warfare equipment will come with pre orders from big retailers.
see: assassins creed 3
im not really asian.
also, the n7 edition was exclusive to game. now they cant manage it the number in circulation is only enough for one retailer spread among around...
no, not now, later.
you're not punk rock.
do work for your degree.
you cant have a rational debate with religious people because otherwise they wouldn't be religious
you didnt use reason. you managed to 'rationalise' that collective goals are exclusive to religion; i bring up sale of indulgences once again....
this is the worst argument you've put forward so far. 1. megalomaniacal, who are you to say that? 2. citation needed 3. faith and experience...
like mit romney baptizes his dead atheist father in law? thanks but no thanks. though it wont matter, i'd rather be condemned than theists try...
i like how new buttons slightly glow. :D
the sale of indulgences. the belief in god is to submit, and excludes those who do not share the faith.
everything is absolute fundamentally. but believing is definitely binary. you can't half believe, that would be being unsure and so not believe....
and believing is binary. you either do or don't.
i like turtles.
with mr. hands.
is that you?
i have low ***** speed. :(