[IMG] [IMG] just give up.
get you, so witty.
i forgot illegal activity isn't related to organised crime.
Now, i know everyone has an xbox here, but there are definitely some people who own a PS3. so, Journey, freaking wicked-sick. from the guys who...
the main reason pot shouldn't be legalised is 99% of the damned people demanding it be legalised are annoying stoners. 420.
death is ppc.
post some nudes of some foods
:) yeyeah
look at meeeee
but if scrawny asses are involved, then you'll have to beat him too.
get back in the kitchen tusk.
if that was on purpose i applaud you.
[IMG] old though, just scanning some things from my sketchbook. reference: [spoiler]
your taste has changed. YOU'VE CHANGED
? i dont understand. that fool has been in a million videos like that about myriads of other games.
dont get indoctrinated by the indoctrination theory!
it's more depressing to see who hasn't. [IMG]
i think the book is a lot better than what the show looks like. does each series cover an entire book? anyway, im on clash of kings (book 2).