i just want eva green.
kung fu hustle. i enjoyed casino royale more than quantum of solace. mainly for eva green.
i am confused yet disinterested.
stop being awake then.
dumbledore is actually dead the entire time.
yup [spoiler]
except captain america.
and funny.
stop using stupid analogies that don't apply to any situations discussed.
i don't think your willingness to bet on things can be trusted when you think beliefs don't need to be defended.
its amazing that you,security, manage to type as much nonsense in one sentence as you do in 3 paragraphs.
no, there is a moral responsibility to inform people of what is [more] correct. its not OK for people to think the world is flat or the sun...
nothing is true, everything is corroborated. religion does not stand up to corroboration.
what are we doing?
i have phone.
someone doesn't like elephants.
topic evaded.
dwemer vampire?
that's why it doesn't fit there.