1. no. what are you? in denial? If you're not reacting, then why are you attacking your opponent rather than their points of view? ---...
thats weird cos thats a knee in your arrow.
that entire post was just reactive and had zilch to do with what was said. what i inferred was: 'i don't hate athiests, but all you athiest...
that PC computer is pretty gnarly.
is 1.4 live yet? i dont want to touch my big save otherwise.
no. take that out.
you need to make scrabble IN minecraft clearly.
im at the point where i use whichever i like.
im fairly certain (no real evidence here though) that society at the time would still have been in a way that bigotry was commonplace and have a...
i use the 12x cos of draw distance and to minimise weirdness with the left analog stick. the 3.4 is sometimes useful, but its mount sometimes is...
here's a recent example of figure heads in protestantism: BBC News - Archbishop urges state not to 'dictate' over marriage
ACOGs amplify recoil way too much for my liking, so i only use iron sights, holo, 8x, 12x and IR - reflex sights are just a bit weird.
silencer, grip and holo make a good combo - you can change the silencer if you like - flick on burst fire and you're sorted for med-long range....
[-_-] if i'm right at what i think you're getting at i dont see the fun in using OP weapons and attachments.
the same goes for all religions really. its why im not agnostic at all anymore. Science has competing theories like religion has competing...