Global warming is a conspiracy
Its basically Random crap everywhere. stairs going nowhere, and stuff. Great for KoTH and territories
What would you think of it If I took a risk and posted a giant trash pit on foundry? would you find it revolutionary, or noobish? I want an...
may I join your team good sir?
hooray for a non-DLC map. yes yes yes
Pic 3 senoir
lol...i guess
I am planning on releasing a V2 by friday. look for it
The base layout is boss. The sniper towers look awesome. the cross in the centre is cool, But where in the map are the Tele's? I will dl most deff...
this looks really cool. I love the layout and creative interlocking. Ill DL and get back to you
lol and 3/4
thanks, and awesome sig dude
This is decent. I like the ideas for assembly lines, but it does feel too open. 3/5
this map is really fun. I've played through this a few times with the gametype, and it's awesome everytime. still cant find the mauler.
hope you enjoy zTo, make sure to come back and comment once you've played through
This ain't doin it for me. If I wanted empty room, i got Foundry Canvas
there are actually 2 30 sec fuison coils in that spot.
I downloaded this and loved it. Good ole T-ball. 8/10
wow. thank you kind sir. Even though I disagree, it's great to have someone's compliment. If you like 1v1, try out some of shock theta's maps.
The map is very small. Tiny, infact. I will put more pics up later today. I will also fix a few areas that need major help too inside the creek....