You are not more jewish than me my bar mitzvah is Jan 24!!
My ***** ass had to wait until I had 999 posts before posting so it could be #1000!! Yeh it has come a long way since you last saw it and i...
I will mention you as soon as the video is up :) I am not sure how to send the pics to you but here is the link: : Bungie Online :... Can you get on Halo now to get a game for the the video?
[IMG] High Voltage By GD BlueDevil and BlazeIsGod Here and Here Cocreator: sdrakulich Ladies and gentleman, good people of FH, I now present...
Well I am posting it right now and then I will edit the post. It is a lot easier :)
Hey sexy :) I am posting High Voltage either tonight or tomorrow. Its ready and I have the writeup done. But I am garbage at taking pics so...
I have some cool ideas for structures, but we ARE NOT BUDGET GLITCHING IT!!!!!!!! At this point my priority is getting a map in MM and being able...
Well as soon as I get connected to LIVE again in a few hours I will put it on my fileshare. I have an EPIC team doubles map coming though I have...
He is and he spent days testing the spawns and weapon placement. He was with us since the beginning. He deserves it. I will be giving you...
Yes I would greatly appreciate you making a video for High Voltage. sdrakulich can't because he is moving and he has a lot on his mind.
OK dun worry I just got it :) But I qued High Voltage for #6 on my fileshare (it said: Qued for Download) and then I lost connection to LIVE....
Can you take screenshots of High Voltage I will be posting it soon and my LIVE insn't working right now.
I have a question mabey you could answer, I was just wondering: My xbox LIVE screwed up earlier and I want to work on my map while forging under...
I will in a few days but I was wondering to how to get Foundry showing up back on my map list again....