So just to be clear I am not HELPING you. I am COLLABORATING WITH YOU. So I get half credit and if we win, I get credit for the feature as much...
Why did Blaze get banned?
Make a perfect map that will win it. Not a good map that will get a high score but come in 10th. Don't rush and let me collab with you.
Whatever. I don't really care I just wanted to see what it was about :)
Who are the other two guys? I am very skilled with aesthletics and it comes natural to me. Gameply is what I am working on and now I can do that...
It'll take about 10 days. The xbox people said and I added 3 extra days because it usually comes late. And we have until late Feb so we'll have...
Can you get some pics on the nonpremiums map?
Oh and can you invite me to join BrokenBlaze productions? I want to see what that is about and I'll help whenever Im needed.
I thought it comes with the January update. Octodeath was lucky I helped him with the spawns because without me that map wouldn't have got in....
My xbox spazzed again so I had to send it back. I'll get it back in about 10 days. I would be happy to help you but since the basic design of a...
Yeh this gave me a flashback back in the Halo 2 days. I remember those quotes. Grunts had some funny ones too. And I am also Jewish lol my bar...
any structures/ mlg map ideas? that seems to be where you shine so i wanna see what you thought up!
Well I have done a sketch on a piece of paper. I will take a picture and send it to you in a few min. I hate google sketchup because its so...
I dont think that map is going to be MLG. But something better. It is better than Code Impulse and SpaceAge put together an I might evan...
What do ya think of MLG? Cause I think I might want to make an MLG map and see if we can get get it in the v6 lineup. I dunna it was just a...
Its cool dun worry guy. I am in kind of sad cause I miss Drakulich.
Well a week and ahalf is when that comment was made. Thats 10 days. Its been 6 days since that comment was made and it can come early... What...
Do you have your xbox now?
I love you dude!!