Yeh. Could you give me some examples though? I wanna square some things out and I have a tendancy to act very aregant on this website. I am...
Not coming from me? lol wat do ya mean?
Let me rephrase that because I didn't portray the jist of theat statement. I not JUST want you to see the map because your a good forger but...
Or around later than 4:00 PM EST on Friday? (thats when I get home from school).
I'd like to finish up the forging, but before I finish the last bases, I would like to hear your opinion. Not because I think your amazing at...
Yay your not banned any more. But why aren't you premium? You wanna fix up High Voltage or give up on it?
Hey I din't know you changed your name! Hows it going? BTW my map is coming out to be completely amazing!
Hey congrats on mod :) I want an insider's opinion on how my map compares to other ones and how I can perfect it. I want to know if you'll be... : Atlas : Group Home Link to ATLAS. You have to be a member so post.
lul wat?
Can you post your review of High Voltage because I am fixing up a v2. Whether you post it in the High Voltage thread, my profile, or send it to...
My friend got onto my account and posted something. Hey can you be on tomorrow? I want to show you my map :) it looks really good!
yeh thats how I did it. I am warned for 2 weeks and then everything goes back to normal.
My xbox is back. And I got banned because my friend got onto my FH account and posted some inappropriate things. But its over now and so get on...
Haha I havn't seen that pic since April! It was made by SaberWing because I pissed him off lol
Its kk. We'll work on it together when I get my xbox back. I am working on a map that is unnamed so far but I have some ideas. It looks like it...
it should come back any day now.
Like who lol? I dun usually care what other people think. When I'm online and Im assosiating with people I dont know, then I have a tendancy to...
Sorry about the 2/3 map recommended comment. I just went by what Blaze told me cause I cant look at the Pub. And I'll fix up High Voltage when I...
Can you reply please because I don't want you to hate me :)