Uhh thanks. I'll be thinking.
Hey can you get back on? How long does it take you to write the post?
I have some new names but those were some I was deciding on. I have some neew ideas... for the map.
Back from retirement?
My map will be ready for testing tomorrow. I will be finishing the weapon/spawns tonight around 11:00. Can you get on? I am between the 2 names:...
My map will be ready for testing tomorrow. I will be finishing the weapon/spawns tonight around 11:00. Can you get on? I am between the 2...
Hey! I was wondering if you want to help test my map tomorrow. Can you? If so than I'll send you a friend request on my new account which...
Hey. My account just ran out and I got a new one its called GD27 Sh0ckWave. The account is on my friends list so when I send you an FR on that...
Hey Iv0ry hows it going? Haven't talked to you in a while :)
I have a silver membership so I couldn't join your party. I'll be on about 11:00 tonight to see it.
Hey good people of FH! I was just reading the Bungie.net weekly update and I was intriqued by the idea of having 3 different styles to work...
Dude send me an FR on myspace. I want to see more of your sexy hair lol My last name in Miller. Heres my profile link to send me an FR....
my idiot friend got onto my account and posted gay comments all over the map forums.
That actually reminds me of back when I made SpaceAge. I used to talk to Bl00d F1r3 all the time and he was considered one of the best forgers...
With the below statement I was referring to whether you finished making both bases identicle. That way we'de have a clean slate of ideas to work...
I dunno. Just something Blaze said. But I can be arogent some times. I recently pissed of Zander and Im trying to clear that up. Dont say...
Dun worrrrrry. Its kk. Wanna see the map? Can you be on later?
Hows the conquest map coming?