Yes I have all that but only a few people to each job.... I can't say much because of companys like Microsoft that will milk my idaes for all...
I want a butten that turns the item you just placed into a hologram so it looks like it's there but you can walk though it!! New age of mazes.......
The past god knows how long and the next 15 years of my life will be used to make 1 hell of a game but I have 2 legendary ideas and I can only...
I couldn't post again, it just added to my last post. :( I've already moved it and it did nothing, as soon as I turn it on it will literally...
Sorry to make a useless thread but I need help! Can someone please answer my edit (because I can't post again to get help) for my question on Xbox...
:omg: That would be just win! I spend so long looking for spawns and most the time just kill myself so I can spawn at one but thats like 100...
Yea but if everyone from forgehub sends an email they will have to open at least 1 and maybe someone from bunige eyeballs forgehub and may come...
Holy F***ing s**t!!! I just worte at less 500 words and then somehow when I hit backspace it deleted everything so I'm not spell checking it this...
ok, I got the best idea ever! addable level effects (like the gate on high ground) but have like really big things. Some examples: - volcano, you...
Because if xbox 360 didn't need alot of hack testing or to be made unhack-able it would have came out earlier and same with the games, they could...
I'm hoping for like 1 or 2 things, 5 at best lol also mods are like the dark side of forge and they come with humongous consequences for anyone...
If we get all this stuff what could we possibly need modded maps for? If Bungie can stop people from modding where more likely to get this stuff...
You gave me an idea! and I got some others too. -A power for bungie with the ability to remove a map (and all edited maps made from that one) from...
Well to significantly improve my images I need to practise (I can't think of anything to make so thats hard), stop being lazy (working on it lol)...
Theres are all very good models and I think it's time you step into the big time model programs... Don't let my lazyness fool you as what I make I...
:haha: Yea I get that a lot, anyway heres a link to a 10 second water animation YouTube- Blender Water animation Read in the description how long...
NPC Short for Non-Player Character, it is a game character not played by a person, it is computer controled. The NPCs are often called bots....
Alright, I'll give that a go. thanks! Also I need to ask is there something seriously wrong with my xbox if it sometimes has no lights at all and...
[/LIST]Is a place like this bad to have a xbox? -------------- Red= wall Green= free space White= xbox PS: lots of room above, behind and...
That wasn't 100% what I meant... I mean like you know how in some games you make 1 guy vs everyone as a boss kind of? I did once and the only way...