They are everywhere, they vastly outnumber human kind and any one of them could wipe us out forever.... Are the really just an object? Do they...
I can't tell if the sarcasm was for the last sentence or the whole post so I'll go with the last sentence.... The closest to SWAT would be the...
Ok, at school me and my friends did game making stuff (different kinds) and our career. Well at least I'm not 11 any more :P Like I said before, I...
lol, the sad part is to be honest I don't think it will get completed either and I don't really care. It's something me and my friends do in our...
v4 is up! Not much of a change because I didn't have much to work with... Must be just about right with the picture! :D -Watter and land texture...
Xray = no one could hide and 1/4 your deaths would be though walls.... Maybe as a 5-6 death streak it would be great. Earthquake = 99.99% of...
OMG it wont show me any new posts till I post (this bug has happened to me before) so I'm posting this and deleting it so IT WILL STOP!!!!!!!!...
Added bumps, changed the texture (land and water) alot and made it uneven. I tryed shrubs, plants and cactus but they just didn't seem to fit in...
F**k yea b**ch now thats what I'm talking about! I played portal and that was like the best game every only because it had that... Maybe even a...
Added a mountain and changed the texture a bit. I'll fix that when I get time.... FH was down when I made v2 so I couldn't check any posts. :S
I made this image but it just doesn't look right and I don't know why!!! [IMG] v2 [IMG] v3 (a bit different but looks good right!?!) [IMG]...
I was readying my sig and looked at my map TheExterminator, looked at all my bad grammer and read my arguments and wanted to say to the people...
The stars are there because the suns to far away to make the sky blue and the moon is now the main source of light; hence the trees shadow... The...
It keeps dam saying theres a new post and it wont go away! (some guy posted and deleted his post) so I'm posting to get rid of this "new post". I...
Yea, the program I used for these isn't the greatest at night time(stars) so I made the ground of my frost one in that program then tryed to do...
I have killed the earth in 2 opposite ways.... Fire The Earth has been moved closer to the sun, resulting in the oceans boiling away and all...
Ok, I made the ground of my Image in 3d and tryed to do the sky in a different 3d program but it render as crap. So I made the sky in gimp and I...
Perk: streak-less! Number: 3 Purpose: You gain the ability to pick xp as your killstreaks (3=400xp 5=850xp 11=2000xp 15=4000xp, something like...
Crypto nv His Just stands out from all others and has that look like what you see at the end of the world or after a major disaster... It just...
Perk: Stealth Number: 3 Purpose: When you kill an enemy they can't watch killcam to find you. Pro Bonus: When you kill an enemy there screen...