Yeah, 10 = Custom games in reach the noob way. I walk into a very dark room. It's in the middle of the night and no one can be seen... Except...
You could hide outside or try outrun it! People outrun max speed predators all the time because it can't manoeuvre well. Name: Flying sentry...
It was mean't to be spelt like that to demonstrate that you can't spell? I understand that!
More like 0 kills and doesn't take up 1 of your 3 killstreak spaces! Name: brutality Kills: 18 Effect: Calls in a predator-like missile that...
The title is "Disturbingly lifelike animate inanimate objects"! And if rocks on pluto and everywhere else were the same as here we wouldn't need...
I made something like this on sandbox but when you got the gun you were boxed in! 1) +------=--------- - is floor = is gun + is person l is wall...
It was an example, easier than writing everything out. Since you seem to know everything about astronomy, here's some easy questions for you! (no...
Camel, learn to spell or spell check "Tr0ell" so I can read what your saying. If you mean troll then yes, we all know you are.
I do a lot in my free time but SIT and university are for the things I can't learn on my own or just can't find. I go to SIT most the time because...
Hello! You may no me as Turkey bag56, Abobchicken, xXmagnetarXx, Chunkycat or That guy. I may not be new but it may have taken me all this time to...
Well that was a bump and are 1/2!!! YOU!!!! Never insult he who never forgets! :irritated: @Kealan 02 + jezzicaz789 Welcome to forge hub! And...
It's all part of my plan! ):) Name: Flash nuke Kills: 10 Effect: Calls in a nuclear flash bang, (very big!) and when it detonates (5 seconds +...
I kind of got the idea from the mw2 perk thread. :P Use this: Name: Kills: Effect: I'll start! Name: The swarm Kills: 10 Effect: A swarm...
Gravitational manipulation. You could make it so you can walk up walls, stand on the roof, or even full to the sky (would kill you though). The...
I'll agree with that! Even the visible universe is so big it's incomprehensible to anyone and outside that could be trillions of times bigger than...
A warp drive is theoretically possible because space itself can move at any speed, so technically your not moving faster than light but the space...
I'm not really saying it is possible, but more that it's Disturbingly lifelike! (cheep attempt to dig myself out of this hole!) But really, if we...
It doesn't need to think but maybe it still could! I'm talking about the star itself... Think of this: There is a very smart life form living on...
Maybe it could survive the heat/radiation or more likely it can't! Plants here can't think and it would be similar to them. Just goes with...
You two are thinking about life on earth. Here everything has cells but it is possible for things to get other ways of living but that is hard to...