When it comes to rendering it's not the textures that slow things down! It's those dam vertices.... So... many... VERTICES!!!!!!! If I made a...
I don't know how to do that but if someone can move this please do..... eve has...... TYPE LAG!!!!!!
I thought caps were fine in a time like this. A time when MMO becomes the web.... Right to the point. My internet is messed up and it cloese...
I said it seems alive not that it is!!!!! Even by my own definition it is inanimate.... Oh and I'm not digging into a hole, that was last year.......
Operating Program: Giving a ****..... Starting process %100... Preparing to care.... Start Caring Programe...%9.... ERROR Caring about...
Sight.... I had this same conversation in off topic.... I avoid putting information on the internet and use multiple detains to avoid people...
I do you obviously don't. You are saying that with enough information you can predict to near 100% what someone will do. So lets see you do that...
If your given ever single detail, right down to the number of sand grains you could predict just about everything with near perfect accuracy with...
Sigh.... What should it do (if you hit a ball going at ___ with a bat going at ____). I agree 100%! The ball and bat have a purpose and were made...
Train a guy physics in a dark basement then show him a picture of a human for the first time and ask him what it should do.... He will get it...
Wrong, according to physics we should just fall right over but do we?
Warning: -Do not watch if you're under 18. -Do not watch if you believe in god. -If anything can offend you, don't watch this! You have been...
The post is "Disturbingly lifelike animate inanimate objects". I now have the perfect definition for life! An object that acts in a way that the...
Thanks! :D It did turn out really nice, if only it didn't take half a million years to make! I don't know why that sign is there, think I...
There is just about no negative way... Moving is beneficial, blowing up is negative (bombs don't live)! And I'm sure we all can tell an AI for a...
Super elite (with a cape!) [IMG]
We are not talking about the definition of life. I think that Mickraider had a real definition: "A subject of matter that can modify its energy...
Back in the day when I played a elite.... Luckily I saved this on bungie.net because 1 of my guest deleted it :'( [IMG]
I agree.... Even though I can group with just about any type of group, your a little fail for even me! :O I have reached my limit for how much I...
lol, that's where you and me differ. Although I'm not embarrassing myself now, I don't care if I do! I even do it on purpose for my own amusement....