thats what i say, im going to keep practicing, and when im a lot better and i know more, im going to make a sig/avatar shop. im in the middle of...
i didnt use this tutorial, because its confusing, i used Youtube lol, and the video helped me with an awesome picture, but i can't put it on...
dang, i noticed your new signature, its awesome! did you make that with this tutorial?
did you figure out or did i help? if i helped, id like + rep LOL jk, but you could if you want i dont care... im neutral lol
Hey, i know how to make invisible, but not edit the other stuff, but i think i know now, im going to try someting NOTE- Go to the picture, and...
where you turn it invisible lol, i click the eye icon, but it does what i said above EDIT: i think thats the second step, after you put render in...
hey, its invisible, but it still colors the layer with the render, not the background, am i doing something wrong? also, its not showing up on...
it took me a second to find. Thanks so much! im making a God Of War sig =]
how do i make the layer invisible?!? its so confusing!
theres a better Gold spartan, but you have to go on campaign and get out of The Flood
one thing though, i cant get it at the right angle, when i go to the right angle he isnt invisible...
ooo, i just got what to do, i was confused at first... i thik you should either make a video tutorial or a step by step picture tutorial on how to...
i said Jack Enoff, i'm cracking up right now lol, and i like "You sopped G1obal Warm1ng" one best
there ok i guess... i mean, there better then what i can make
ezekeil, you were being selfish, and theres nothing wrong without sharing it (even though he has now, happy), and why would you share something...
I agree, i think its a deployable cover partly because, if you look at the warthog, by his arm and the bottom right part of the picture on the...
Hey, i just noticed your signature on one of the forums, the one with Hillary Clinton smiling and then shooting Obama with electricity, the scene...
i agree with Mr. Moustache, its perfect but the color of the wall does throw it off
its pretty cool, and i didnt know there was a modded gaurdian map
Great map! 5/5, also, if he DOES have a premium, congratz